Industry-Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC)

Better interaction between Technical institutions and industry is the need of the hour. This will have great bearing on the Pharma Curriculum, exposure of industrial atmosphere to Pharmacy students and subsequent placement of young graduating Pharmacists in industries across the country. With the advent of globalization and opening up of Indian economy to outside world, competition among industries has become stiff. To solve their manufacturing problems they look up now to Pharma Institutions. Similarly, there is an urgent need to prepare Pharmacy students for jobs in multinational companies, by exposing them to newer technologies, formulating, analytical and research methodologies. These objectives can only be achieved well by bridging the gap between industry and the academic institute.


  • Establishment of Industry-Institute Partnership /interaction Cell.
  • Organizing Workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the faculty and the industries.
  • Encouraging resource persons from industry to visit our Institution to deliver lectures.
  • Arranging visits of staff members to various industry
  • Professional consultancy by the faculty to industries.
  • Industrial testing by faculty & technicians at site or in laboratory.
  • Joint research programmes and field studies by faculty and people from industries.
  • Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
  • Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
  • Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
  • Professorial Chairs sponsored by industries at the Institute.
  • R&D Laboratories sponsored by industries at the Institute.
  • Scholarships/fellowships instituted by industries at the Institute for students.
  • Practical training of students in industries.
Workshop on leadership Skills, Quality Management & Research Perspectives:

Workshop was conducted for the students to develop leadership qualities by Mr.Shrinik Mahendra, A Professional in conducting Personality Development Classes. Pharmacovigilance Executives from Pfizer, Mr Bajrang Raj & Mr.Shashidhar Sawmy spoke about the clinical trials & oppurtunies in the field of Pharmacovigilance & enlightened the students about the research perspectives. Mr.Pramod, Nominee from JNTU-H encouraged the students with his positive outlook.

National Institute of Nutrition:

A one day visit to National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Uppal was arranged for final year students. Along with the students, three of faculty members escorted them for the smooth conduction of visit.

The students have visited various departments of the institute including the analytical cell which forms the heart of the institute. The analytical department was equipped with the latest equipment in analyzing the various kinds of food samples. The equipments like HPLC, UPLC, FTIR, Mass Spectrophotometer, NMR instruments, LCMS and GCMS are few of them.

The staffs of NIN were very cooperative and explained the working of each instrument with at most knowledge. A seminar session have been conducted which was very informative regarding the various nutritional facts and myths about the everyday food we take

Workshop on Soft skills, Drug Research & Evaluation:

This workshop was organized with an objective to improve the communication skills & make the student confident to face interviews, make presentations, positive thinking. Later part of the Workshop was emphasized on Drug Research; Mr. Prasad, Senior Scientist (R&D) from Hetero Pharmaceuticals educated the students on current trends in Analytical research

Industrial Visit to Pharma Deep Remedies:

The final year students along with four staff members visited Pharma Deep Remedies, Charlapally, Hyderabad, a pharmaceutical industry involving the manufacture of various forms of formulations. Students gained through knowledge on various departments of the industry like manufacturing, quality control aspects of the formulations.

Industrial Visit To Sanzyme Pvt Ltd:

All the fourth year students were taken to Pharmaceutical Industry, Sanzyme PVT LTD, Gagan Pahad, which involves manufacturing of parenteral dosage forms. Students are exposed to various departments of the industry like Manufacturing, Quality control, Animal house. etc.

The trip was very informative. It included a session of oral presentation which included the complete process of a parental dosage form preparation. The manager explained in detail right from the procuring of raw material from the ware house to how the finished product comes out. In the second session all the information has practically made available by allowing the students to visit the manufacturing area.

Presently we have MOU with the following organizations:
  • Venus Medical remedies
  • Acinus Pharma Research
  • Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Projects Undertaken:
  • Indo-German Anti-arthritic compound herbal formulation – INDA &NDA studies.
  • Anti-cancer activity of selected Medicinal plants.
  • Hepatoprotective activity of Natural products.
  • Bio evaluation of Marine algae in Wound healing, Antiulcer, Neuropharmacological .etc.
  • Mapping of Fluoride endemic areas and remedial measures.
  • Clinical epidemiology and significance of the Diseases prevailing in Gajwel Mandal of Telangana, India.
  • Antimicrobial studies of Natural Products.